Sorry I missed a few meetings and will miss a few again, but hope to rejoin asap.

Meanwhile, I remember discussing the NEON at ESA2019 they were not planning to use, but own protocols repo.

Seems like they have one. This can be used as an example for externally desciribed protocol.


Another possible relevant example I like when an American protocol was used in Siberia. Try beat the coolness of this:


Data paper




Ok, the protocol was not there until Nina needed it for her data paper, so she made it happen for her paper, but still.




From: tdwg-humboldt <> On Behalf Of Yanina Sica
Sent: 11 June, 2021 16:00
To: Humboldt Core TG <>
Subject: [tdwg-humboldt] Humboldt Task Group Meeting Wed 16 June 2021, 08:00 EST


Thanks all for a great meeting and discussion this week, we are making lots of progress!


For next week's discussion (June 16), we will try to finish all fields related to Methodology.

· original_HC_label

o were abundances reported?  

o reported abundance cap

o was vegetation cover reported?

o were absences reported?

o taxonomic list of reported absences

o  were specimen vouchers taken during survey?

o where were vouchers deposited?

o were samples taken from organisms during survey?

o what kind of samples were taken from organisms?

o were measurements of organisms taken during survey?

o recording or measurement agent type 

Zoom link for the meeting:


For reference: 

· check the definitions of the original related terms in HC (see Vocabulary file)

· revisit our discussion notes here and the slides that capture some of our previous decisions here 


Hope you have a great weekend!



