Hi team,

Hope you are all good! We have been having some great discussions lately and hopefully we will have another good one tomorrow.

Peter Desmet has contacted us (thanks Steve for making the link!). He has been coordinating the development of the Camera Trap Data Package (Camtrap DP) and would like to discuss with us some terms that overlap with their use case.
This relates a lot to the mapping exercise we did with the Wildlife Insights data (see slide 2 here to find the feedback we received). 

Peter will join us tomorrow to review some terms (see in agenda below) and hopefully discuss the transition from https://tdwg.github.io/hc/terms/ to the new TDWG design, see e.g. https://dwc.tdwg.org/

If it is ok with you, we can push the discussion regarding the addition of new terms (see slide 8 and 9 here) for the following week. 

Proposed agenda for this week's meeting:

  • samplingPerformedBy ---> Would this apply to the person who setup the camera (but didn't take the actual photos)? 
  • Geospatial Scope & Habitat ---> Geospatial scope is recorded in Camtrap DP, but as a geojson object. It does not specify the totalAreaSampledInSquareKilometer, siteCount, reportedWeather, etc.
  • verbatimSiteNames ---> location name is recorded, but there is no property listing all verbatimSiteNames .
  • habitat can be recorded, but there is no Camtrap DP property for the habitatScope.
  • eventDuration + eventDurationUnit ​---> Temporal scope as well as deployment duration is recorded in Camtrap DP, but as a start-end date(time). 
  • targetTaxonomicScope ---> Taxonomic scope in Camtrap DP records the observed species, not the target/excluded species, but see #41 (comment)
    • targetLifestageScope, targetDegreeOfEstablishmentScope, targetGrowthFormScope are not recorded.
  • isAbundanceReported ---> Abundance is often reported, but not the fact whether or not that is the case (isAbundanceReported)
  • Methodology + Completeness & Effort ---> to be discussed
See you soon!

Zoom link: https://yale.zoom.us/j/97318391101


Yanina V. Sica, PhD
Lead Data Team
Yale University
pronouns: she/her/hers
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