yuhuuu!!! amazing progress! Thanks Ming and John! I hope everybody received my invitation to today's meeting. I might be a couple of minutes late but hope to see everybody soon! Cheers Yani On Mon, Aug 7, 2023 at 6:33 PM Yi Ming Gan <ymgan@naturalsciences.be> wrote:
Hi all,
I have done the exercise mentioned in subject. Please see the rendered html with this link: https://raw.githack.com/biodiversity-aq/humboldt-for-eco-survey-data/main/sr... The repository is public: https://github.com/biodiversity-aq/humboldt-for-eco-survey-data I hope some of the remarks and questions are useful!
I think the guiding principles are fine after last Wednesday long meeting (special thanks to Yani, Ani and Wesley). The dataset based on latest term name (from last Wednesday) is good to go. I can update the dataset in test IPT <https://ipt.gbif.org/resource?r=brokewest-fish> when the new terms are up in the sandbox.
Cheers Ming _______________________________________________ tdwg-humboldt mailing list tdwg-humboldt@lists.tdwg.org https://lists.tdwg.org/mailman/listinfo/tdwg-humboldt