Hi all, There is still quite some work to be done on the documentation <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ZglRfoQUGpsDm4t2M4B6Qif2IlbPvuBaRBeOi9x1IHk/edit#> and I could use our meeting time to work on it. I also know that some of you might not be able to make it to our meeting, so I suggest we cancel it. Unless there is a topic we need to discuss as a group I suggest we keep advancing on the documentation over email, is this ok? Below you can find some of the topics that are still unresolved and we could use some help: * Humboldt Extension Quick Reference Guide * Steve and John are working on it * can we agree to use the 6 Humboldt categories as pseudo-classes (not real classes but to organize the terms)? * Section Mapping data - A multi-layered approach needs some wrangling * Kate, Pete and I are working on improving the figure/table BUT more feedback is very welcome! * Example section * thanks to Ming we have a great and very complex example dataset using the extension, can somebody else contribute with an example? * Zach, I know you probably have a lot on your plate with the FM, do you think you would be able to add the rapid inventory example? I added a figure and I can help describing the case if needed, let me know! * General revision needed * We have been making some executive decisions to the document so it would be great if you can review it and share your thoughts! * Last looks: Formatting, homogenize concepts (eg. DwC vs DwC standard, inventory vs survey), figure numbers, etc We also need to make some decision on the testers. See here <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1cWWOw720Qw2eWOVRTeZSHD0eavt78KFB_b6vAH-UzCI/edit#heading=h.7a8nvnmmbavu> the candidate list that we need to refine. Hope this works for you, otherwise let me know! cheers, Yani Yanina V. Sica, PhD Lead Data Team Map of Life<https://mol.org/> | Center for Biodiversity and Global Change<https://bgc.yale.edu/> Yale University pronouns: she/her/hers