Hello all, After today's final pre-public review meeting, I modified the definitions of the four new bycatch-related terms to reflect what we agreed on plus reworked the wording to be consistent with other terms in the proposal. Their final form can be found in the bycatch document <https://docs.google.com/document/d/184BjPL-Kd9lv_x39sVGNxFKFlb4hY_Xsli5_dmnBMqs/edit?usp=sharing>. I will wait for final authorization from our fearless leader (Yani) before putting these plus the modified definition and comments for taxonCompletenessReported (below for reference) into the change documents to pass to Steve, from which the public review versions of documents will be constructed. Cheers, John *taxonCompletenessReported* *Definition*: Statement about whether the taxonomic completeness of the dwc:Event was assessed. *Comments*: This term is meant to alert users that the inventory was conducted in such a way that all of the target taxa (the combination of eco:targetTaxonomicScope and eco:excludedTaxonomicScope) should have been detectable if they were present during the dwc:Event. This term can provide data users with a qualitative measure of how comprehensively an area has been surveyed, which assists in interpreting species populations, areas of occupancy, inferring species absences, etc. This term is only relevant if the dwc:Event used restricted search or open search methods. If taxonomic completeness was assessed, the methods used or an explanation of the basis of the completeness should be stated in eco: taxonCompletenessProtocols. Recommended best practice is to use a controlled vocabulary. *Examples*: `not reported`; `reported complete`; `reported incomplete`