Hi team!

Great meeting last week, thank you all for the interesting discussions! 

We settled on 3 action items for this week:
  • Start a subgroup on Humbodlt extension Documentation
    • For those of you interested in working on HC Documentation, please complete your availability here to schedule our first subgroup meeting and decide how we will organize this task
  • Propose a symposium at the next TDWG 2021 Virtual Annual Conference on inventory data sharing
    • Paula worked on a first draft of the abstract here
      • Please review and comment
      • For those of you interested in giving talks in the symposium, could you provide a tentative title of the talk so that we can see which topics are missing?
      • Can you propose other people we can invite to give talks?
  • Continue discussions on terms and definitions in the Vocabulary file
      • original_HC_label
        • effort amount upper bound
        • effort upper bound unit
        • effort amount lower bound
        • effort lower bound unit
        • number of separate sites
        • site nesting
        • site names
        • site details
See you on Wed!


Yanina V. Sica, PhD
Data Manager | Map of Life
Yale University
pronouns: she/her/hers