Hi Gabi,

Unfortunately I will not be able to attend the call on Wed.



From: Dröge, Gabriele
Sent: 16 August 2021 12:31
To: tdwg-gbwg@lists.tdwg.org
Subject: [tdwg-gbwg] Agenda for Wednesday IG Genomic Biodiversity meeting


Dear all,


I’ve submitted our Enviro TG proposal to the TDWG Executive Committee a few days ago. They requested a timeline, so I took the liberty to come up with one. They will meet next week to discuss our proposal, so I think we still can tweak things if needed beforehand, see link below.




Wed, 18th August 3-4pm CET

Dial in: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89880367341?pwd=OVN3RVBLWUZSZnM5bUU3dUVObktGQT09


Talk to you soon!


