Marine Biodiversity Data Mobilization Workshop Participant Registration

We're hosting a workshop if anyone is interested to join more info below. Thanks! Abby ________________________________ From: Tim Van Der Stap <> Sent: Tuesday, January 10, 2023 11:15 AM Subject: [EXTERNAL] Marine Biodiversity Data Mobilization Workshop Participant Registration This email has been received from outside of DOI - Use caution before clicking on links, opening attachments, or responding. Hi Everyone, Join us for the second Marine Biodiversity Data Mobilization Workshop - a contribution to the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development and the Marine Life 2030 Decade Action<>. The workshop is jointly hosted by CIOOS<>, Hakai<>, IOOS<>, MBON<>, OBIS-USA<>, and OTN<>. This workshop is intended to be a small hands-on, interactive virtual workshop focused on mobilizing marine biological observation datasets to the Ocean Biodiversity Information System (OBIS). The primary objective of the workshop is helping data providers standardize their data according to Darwin Core. This includes species observations from any type of sampling methodologies (e.g. visual surveys, net tows, microscopy, fish trawls, imaging, `omics, acoustics, telemetry). The workshop will be held virtually April 18 - 19, 2023 from 1300 - 1700 ET. Requirements to participate? * Must have a dataset to work on. * Must have some R or Python experience. * Must have a basic knowledge of Github. To apply, please fill out this form<>. Application deadline: February 15, 2023. Accepted applicants will be notified no later than March 15, 2023. If you need assistance with learning R or Python there are courses available in advance of the workshop that you can attend. Introductory Python for Ecologists<> Introductory R for Ecologists<> Accepted participants will receive details about workshop logistics shortly after being notified. Please forward to colleagues who may be interested in this event. We look forward to seeing you online! -- Tim van der Stap, M.Sc. Research Support Hakai Institute, Calvert Island, BC //<> Tula Foundation, Quadra Island, BC //<> (778) 319 6152
participants (1)
Benson, Abigail L