Second Example - SPARQL Query for Mammals Expected in Wisconsin view by Order
Here is another example based on a different query. *Mammals expected in Wisconsin* I have bundled the screenshots and the query into this bit,ly bundle The SPARQL Query Looks like this. Note I am only requesting a subset of the information about each of these species. PREFIX txn: <> PREFIX rdf: <> PREFIX dcterms: <> PREFIX wisconsin: <> PREFIX dbpedia_owl: <> select distinct ?s, ?o as ?image, ?kingdom, ?phylum, ?class, ?order, ?family, ?genus, ?sciname, ?cname, ?author where { ?s rdf:type txn:SpeciesConcept. ?s txn:inDBpediaClade dbpedia_owl:Mammal. ?s txn:isExpectedIn wisconsin:. ?s txn:kingdom ?kingdom. ?s txn:phylum ?phylum. ?s txn:class ?class. ?s txn:order ?order. ?s txn:family ?family. ?s txn:genus ?genus. ?s txn:hasScientificName ?sciname. optional {?s txn:thumbnail ?o. ?s txn:commonName ?cname. ?s txn:scientificNameAuthorship ?author}. } limit 2000 This uses the optional section so that those species that might not have a thumbnail or common name still show up in the query results. You can modify this query and run it yourself on Click on the "Advanced" tab to see the box for entering the query. - Pete ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Pete DeVries Department of Entomology University of Wisconsin - Madison 445 Russell Laboratories 1630 Linden Drive Madison, WI 53706 Email: TaxonConcept <> & GeoSpecies<> Knowledge Bases A Semantic Web, Linked Open Data <> Project --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
participants (1)
Peter DeVries