[Tdwg-obs] Definition of an observation

Hello, I think that the issues being brought up around the proposed definition of an observation, and the subsequent discussions and proposed modifications of the definition have been illuminating. The result, I believe, is that we are creating a more useful definition of an observation. I do want to make a couple of points. First, what we are trying to define is the fundamental datum, or fixed reference point from which observational data can be integrated with data from other biodiversity initiatives such as the organization of museum specimen collections. I agree with Denis that in order to accomplish this we must be able to define the "core elements" of an observation. Consequently, this definition only needs to recognize protocols, sampling area, quality etc. Addressing these issues are the next step and Matt's comments are right on. Second, Lynn's comment about the inclusion of ecological communities is extremely important for the same reasons that aggregation of observational data are. These two points have a major impact on how biodiversity informatics, particularly international efforts such as TDWG and GBIF organize and present information. These concepts move away from the specimen as the foundation of organization. For example, the community concept is based on species assemblages (instead of a single species), are well embraced by other ecological organizing initiatives as Bob Peet points out, and necessitates a change in organizational schemas. Furthermore, aggregating observations into collecting events changes the hierarchical structure of organizational schemas, because the collecting event and not the individual species record is the principal focus. I suggest that we go with the definition of an observation as: An observation characterizes the occurrence of an organism (or a community of organisms) through a collection event using a defined protocol and spatiotemporal location. Individual observations are non-independent entities that can be linked to each other through their common characteristics. If this group agrees with this I will post it on the TDWG observational monitoring web page. Regards, Steve Kelling Cornell Lab of Ornithology 607-254-2478 (work) 607-342-1029 (cell)
participants (1)
Steve Kelling