Re: (RQT)Limits of the Discussion.[features+other disciplines]

"Stuart G. Poss" wrote::
Are existing methods and this discussion restricted to "morphological characters"?
... begin the much needed dialog among disciplines that are not defined by the taxa themselves.
1. About the concept of features see 1rst post of this discussion, and my post "feature-property-value" 2.About other disciplines see my post "Re: The end of DELTA?", about how an entomologist might refer to a plant accessible on the net, not only simply linking to it like an HTML hyperlink, but ASSERTING SOMETHING about this plant, thus ADDING INFORMATION about this plant without changing anything on the plant's site. (RQT) means requirements (see Gregor Hagedorn's post, "First level topics on this list (GEN)"; every post should bear a tag among RQT, XML, GEN).
participants (1)
Jean-Marc Vanel