Jean-Marc Vanel <jmvanel@FREE.FR>, on 12/05/2000 14:01 PM, wrote: <To prepare my presentation at the 9th International World Wide Web
Conference - Amsterdam, May 15-19, 2000 (http://www.www9.org/) , I would like to have the pourcentage of species among the estimated 250 000 plant species that are on regional Floras : 1. - on paper, 2. - in some computerized form (HTML, etc)
I am not sure to what you are referring. Do you mean simply lists of names or are you after useful information such as descriptions, maps, illustrations?
The following are on the Web : Flora of China Flora of Australia Flora of North America (www.fna.org)
Where can one view a Flora of Australia on the Web, I wonder? FloraBase (http://www.calm.wa.gov.au/science/florabase.html), maintained by the Western Australian Herbarium, includes brief descriptions, specimen lists and maps of all 12,500 vascular plant species occuring in this state. This represents ca half of the continent's flora and covers ca one third of its area. For each species an information page can be retrieved on-line comprising its scientific and common names, an indication of its status (native, alien, priority if threatened), a description, a map and (if available) a composite colour photograph showing habitat, habit, floral and fruit characteristics. Form-based query tools enable one to retrieve information or identify species on the basis of nomenclatural, geographic and/or morphological fields. There are also facilities for users to suggest corrections (eg redeterminations) to the various databases which underlie FloraBase. Over the coming months FloraBase will be extended to include highly detailed descriptions of genera and families. Over the horizon, the descriptive data will be expanded by use of a much larger character set. Another Australian botanical information system that may be worth your attention is The National Herbarium of New South Wales' PlantNet site (http://plantnet.rbgsyd.gov.au/). The HISCOM site (http://www.rbgsyd.gov.au/HISCOM/default.htm) provides a springboard for those embarking on a virtual foray in search of the Australian flora. Nicholas Lander Western Australian Herbarium (PERTH) ---------- Original Text ---------- From: "Jean-Marc Vanel" <jmvanel@FREE.FR>, on 12/05/2000 14:01 PM: Hello To prepare my presentation at the 9th International World Wide Web Conference - Amsterdam, May 15-19, 2000 (http://www.www9.org/) , I would like to have the pourcentage of species among the estimated 250 000 plant species that are on regional Floras : 1. - on paper, 2. - in some computerized form (HTML, etc) The following are on the Web : Flora of China Flora of Australia Flora of North America (www.fna.org) Thank you -- <person> <firstName>Jean-Marc</firstName> <lastName>Vanel</LastName> <motto>Veni, vidi, convici</motto> <conference>9th International World Wide Web Conference - Amsterdam, May 15-19, 2000 <a href="http://www.www9.org/">site</a> </conference> <project>Worlwide Botanical Knowledge Base - making botany available on Internet <a href="http://wwbota.free.fr/" >site</a> </project> <a href="http://jmvanel.free.fr/>home page</a> <a href="mailto:jmvanel@free.fr">mail (possibly put "wwbota" in subject to route your mail in relevant folder)</a> </person>
participants (1)
Nick Lander