Have tried using the issue tracker and see that it leaves things anonymous (#23). I don't know whether the DwC authors can see/contact users leaving comments/issues outside of this forum, whether the anonymity disappears when someone related to the project takes on solving the issue....? If this will be of more heavy duty use, a bit more documentation on expectations may prove useful to non-power users. As for the typos, on http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/type-vocabulary/index.htm in the Abstract, the dcterms:type">dcterms:type and basifOfRecord terms contain one known typo and another probable typo in that which is highlighted. Also, did you mean for the document, "Darwin Core Terms: A complete history." to be a link in the abstract to I presume http://rs.tdwg.org/dwc/terms/history/index.htm --might be helpful since the left nav link title is truncated form of this, although I guess it is questionable if you want users going there from this page...? Gail
participants (1)
Gail Kampmeier