Abstracts due 6 Sept for TDWG2016

Hola! Time to get serious about writing up your abstract for the upcoming TDWG 2016 meeting in Costa Rica this December http://www.tdwg.org/conference2016/. The due date is 6 September for invited speakers in symposia as well as for contributed oral and poster presentations. The body of the abstract should be 400 words or less; see https://mbgserv18.mobot.org/ocs/index.php/tdwg/tdwg2016/schedConf/cfp for more information. Currently 13 symposia (three symposia combined recently under the banner of Semantics for Biodiversity Science - An Interoperability Frontier), 7 workshops, and 10 Interest/Task Groups are planning to meet at TDWG this year. For information about registration, see http://www.tdwg.org/conference2016/#c1807 And don’t forget about the pre-conference Software Carpentry Workshop, which will be taught by Matthew Collins, Deb Paul, and Dimitrios Koureas 3-4 December http://www.tdwg.org/conference2016/#c1862 At $100 ($50 for students), this is not to be missed. Space is limited, so sign up soon! The conference website also features information about hotels http://www.tdwg.org/conference2016/hotels/ with special rates negotiated for TDWG2016 and post-conference excursions or BioCursos http://www.tdwg.org/conference2016/excursions/ through OTS (Organization for Tropical Studies). Hasta pronto en Costa Rica! Gail & Erick P.S. Please pass the word to other interested networks Gail Kampmeier Erick Mata Program co-chairs TDWG 2016 conference@tdwg.org<mailto:conference@tdwg.org>
participants (1)
Kampmeier, Gail E