[Biogeosdi] itinerary tool geospatial data analysis

Dear all, RMCA is happy to announce an updated website dedicated to our "itinerary tool" for geospatial data analysis (expedition pathway reconstruction), with extensive documentation and demo, at : http://synthesys.africamuseum.be/itin/ The Tool will collaborate with the EDIT Geoportal and TDWG and GBIF services. The next big step will be requesting GBIF occurrence data and displaying it on the map to support/complement the uploaded data. As you will see from the documentation and the source code, the tool uses a very modular structure, with ideas developed within TDWG and GBIF collaborations, for which we are very grateful to you all. Coming up are some more texts on "spin-off", comprising a phylogeographic module (taking in a treefile, and producing a KML output), GBIF connection and links to the OpenstreetMap initiative. Any questions and/or comments are appreciated ! best regards, Bart. ########################################### This message has been scanned by ICT - Africa Museum ________________________________________ 20/5/2008 - Filtered through antispam by ICT
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