[tdwg-ncd] RE: NCD version 0.50 mappings

Hi Barbara, Many thanks for this - I've been out of the Museum for a few days and will take a look as soon as I can. Thanks also to Ricardo for sorting the bounce - I attach the original file here for the rest of the group to see, as intended. Cheers, Neil -----Original Message----- From: Barbara Mathe [mailto:bmathe@amnh.org] Sent: 13 March 2007 03:35 To: Neil Thomson Cc: Barbara Mathe; tdwg-ncd@lists.tdwg.org Subject: Re: NCD version 0.50 mappings Folks, Forgive me but I am simply attaching the excel file to this e-mail since it is late and I must catch a plane early tomorrow AM. I have found this particularly difficult, in part for reasons I will describe below. That said, the document is now rainbow colored--for better or worse--at least it's cheerful. I have highlighted all changes from the earlier mapping (basically the cumulative changes from 0.34 to 0.50 in yellow. Someone should double check to make sure that I included all the fields. I believe I have but I could use some copyediting here. I have also noted any questions that I have in green. You will notice a few questions about certain fields, e.g. McGinley, now described as such, should not (I think) any longer need a source specified. I also added a copy edit or two myself. Neil, in particular, I think you should have a good look. However, I am still concerned about two things. 1. My basic lack of experience with EAD. This must be reviewed by someone facile with this standard as opposed to me who must constantly consult (and interpret) the documentation. This mapping is very important and I've said this before but I just am not confident of my expertise here. I believe that someone with such expertise could answer the questions, I have noted but I have to say that I'm still uncertain about how to handle language attributes, in particular. The mapping is close but this is something that should be perfect. 2. Speaking of the language attributes, I am struck at the number of fields that now (since 0.34) specify a language attibute and although I realize these are not required, after battling with them, I fear, once again, at the complexity of the schema. I think we will have to look at interface issues down the road, at least for participants who will be directly entering data rather than mapping it from another source. We will need a NCD "simple" to encourage contributions. Right now, with attributes, there are 146 fields! NB: The DC mappings in column D and E have been carried over but are hidden. There may be some updating needed there as well from 0.34 to 0.50 (rows highlighted in yellow!) I'm out of town for the rest of the week but will be checking e-mail. Looking for any and all comments. Barbara
Barbara Mathé Museum Archivist and Head of Library Special Collections American Museum of Natural History Library Central Park West @ 79 Street New York, NY 10024
phone: 212 769-5419 fax: 212 769-5009
-----Original Message----- From: tdwg-ncd-bounces@lists.tdwg.org [mailto:tdwg-ncd-bounces@lists.tdwg.org] On Behalf Of Markus Döring Sent: Tuesday, February 27, 2007 8:47 AM To: Neil Thomson Cc: tdwg-ncd@lists.tdwg.org Subject: Re: [tdwg-ncd] NCD version 0.50
Hello, I have added v0.50 to the tdwg resource directory.
The schema resource is now available at: http://rs.tdwg.org/ncd/0.50/rddl-2007-02-27.html
If you want to refer to the schema, please use this URL: http://rs.tdwg.org/ncd/0.50/NCDv0pt50.xsd
The latest development version of NCD is also update and available at http://rs.tdwg.org/ncd/dev
best wishes -- Markus
On Feb 27, 2007, at 10:04 AM, Neil Thomson wrote:
Dear all,
Please find attached version 0.50 of NCD. The following changes from v0.40 have been made:
Version 0.40 to 0.50 - (February 2007) Ensured all elements with a language attribute are repeatable (if not already) - AgentRole - Note (in Agents) - CollectionName - Abstract - DescriptionForSpecialists - Citation - Notes (in Descriptive Group) - AccessRestrictions - UsageRestrictions - CustodialHistory - InstitutionName - SubunitName - InstitutionalContactPost - Town - Region - CountryName - ExpeditionName Removed language attribute from <PostalAddressText> - assume native language Added <PhysicalAddressText> to cater for P.O.Boxes to Institution Group Added <SubUnitName> to Institution Group
I hope that no further changes will be required until we get more operational experience of working with NCD, but do please let me know as soon as possible if there is anything glaringly wrong or missing. I also hope that these changes should not have much of an impact on any implementations based on the previous version.
The intention is that this version remains as is for some time, so that the tasks we undertake this year can be based on a stable version of the standard. This includes the production of the NCD Toolkit by NLBIF, the conversion to RDF by Markus and the documentation and mappings being coordinated by Connie. A complete list of deliverables for the year is (or will be shortly) on the wikis.
I will be placing the updated file, with text-based and image-based derivations, on the NCD Website and on the RAVNS Basecamp in due course.
For those of you that are aiming to attend the NCD 2007 Workshop, the dates are almost confirmed as June 18th and 19th, with ETI in Amsterdam as the host institution. More information on this later.
With all best wishes, Neil
<<NCDv0pt50.xsd>> ------- Neil Thomson Head of Data & Digital Systems The Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London SW7 5BD Tel: +44 (0)20 7942 5294, Fax: +44 (0)20 7942 5559, Email: n.thomson@nhm.ac.uk http://www.nhm.ac.uk
<NCDv0pt50.xsd> _______________________________________________ tdwg-ncd mailing list tdwg-ncd@lists.tdwg.org http://lists.tdwg.org/mailman/listinfo/tdwg-ncd
_______________________________________________ tdwg-ncd mailing list tdwg-ncd@lists.tdwg.org http://lists.tdwg.org/mailman/listinfo/tdwg-ncd
-- Barbara Mathe Museum Archivist and Head of Library Special Collections American Museum of Natural History Central Park West at 79 Street New York, NY 10024 Phone: 212 769-5419 Fax: 212 769-5009
participants (1)
Neil Thomson