Proposal to revise Audubon Core Usage guidelines for dc:type and dcterms:type

In its 2019-08-29 meeting, the Audubon Core Maintenance Group approved moving forward on a proposal to revise the Usage notes for the terms dc:type and dcterms:type in Audubon Core. This email is to announce the beginning of a 30 day public comment period on that proposal. To read and comment on the proposal, see The public comment period is scheduled to end on 2019-10-24. Steve Baskauf Audubon Core Maintenance Group convener on behalf of the group -- Steven J. Baskauf, Ph.D. Data Science and Data Curation Specialist Jean & Alexander Heard Libraries, Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN 37235, USA Office: Eskind Biomedical Library, EMB 111 Phone: (615) 343-4582
participants (1)
Baskauf, Steven James