(XML) means a post about XML (see Gregor Hagedorn's post, "First level topics on this list (GEN)"; every post should bear a tag among RQT, XML, GEN).

By the way, this kind of tagging is much in the spirit of XML. Even in an HTML text, you can mark up a sentence, a paragraph, or words, with tags like <requirement>, <opinion>, <example>, <reference-to-article>, etc. To identify this family of tags (called a vocabulary), it is better (though not mandatory) to indicate that this fragment of HTML text is using this vocabulary (say, in this example, called authoring-discussion).

Here is a complete example:

<HTML  xmlns:disc="urn:authoring-discussion" ><!-- N1 -->
<!-- N2 --><STYLE>
disc\:opinion{color:red; font-size:large;}
Everybody agrees that ......; but I think that <disc:opinion>modelizing amphibians is very
important and a very special case</disc:opinion>.
You can copy-and-paste this into an example.html file, and see it in Internet Explorer 5, or Mozilla, or any XHTML+CSS1 compliant browser.
For your conveniance, this file is joined to the post.

N1    xmlns is a reserved word meaning "XML namespace"; the string following = can be:

N2   This is a CSS1 style; complete specification in http://www.w3.org/TR/REC-CSS1

There many topics more about XML, like:

If time and popular demand are here, I could write more on this.

