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We are excited to announce two additions to the TDWG 2017 program:

i. A pre-conference data carpentry workshop will be held at the Museum of Nature on Sept. 30 and Oct. 1. Details can be found at https://idigbio.github.io/2017-09-30-TDWG-Ottawa/, and registration for the workshop will be available shortly on the conference registration site. (If you have already registered for the conference, you can amend your registration to include the workshop.) These data carpentry workshops are excellent and popular;  we will restrict registration to TDWG attendees until the early-bird registration deadline (Aug. 1), after which we will open it up to local students and the general public, until the course capacity is reached.

ii. We have added a keynote address from Javier de la Torre, founder and CEO of CartoDB. Many of you know Javier from his many years of involvement with TDWG, and for his visionary leadership in visualization and location intelligence. He will be speaking Tuesday or Wednesday morning. Recall that we have two other outstanding keynotes - Rod Page on Monday morning, and Pam Soltis on Thursday.

We'd also like to remind everyone that the deadline for abstract submissions is this Friday, July 14. Please see the call for abstracts for details, and instructions on submitting an abstract.  

We look forward to seeing you in Ottawa!

James Macklin
Joel Sachs

TDWG 2017 Conference Website