More Strange Monkey Business-like things in GBIF KOS Document.

Does this accurately characterize my project?

"in the GeoSpecies project104 based on a small purpose-built ontology105 of mosquito-borne human pathogens."

Did they bother to read any of the seven other examples on this page?

Or here

or here

or here
Also note that this particular link they used in the document 104 does not work

While this

or this does

Also the "small" TaxonConcept SPARQL endpoint has ~27 million triples.

It might also be useful to explain how reasoning can be used on the larger data sets. 

Do they have an example of reasoning that works on a data set over 100 million triples?

Is there some reason why there is so much "push" towards specialized near proprietary solutions like LSID's and LOD unfriendly vocabularies?


- Pete

Pete DeVries
Department of Entomology
University of Wisconsin - Madison
445 Russell Laboratories
1630 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706
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