Hi everyone,
the assistant (and also the GBIF dwca validator & IPT) makes use of the term groups defined in the xml dwca extension definitions which are hand crafted. 
E.g. for occurrence terms this one:

There is no rdf version of that I am afraid. 
But we could probably generate an RDF view if that is sth useful.


On 29 Nov 2016, at 12:06, Matthew Blissett <mblissett@gbif.org> wrote:


I'm not sure the DWCA assistant is a best practice, but I don't know of anything better for the job.  The source code is here: https://github.com/gbif/gbif-meta-maker

When it loads, it retrieves the list of extensions from here: http://gbrds.gbif.org/registry/extensions.json . This is also used by the GBIF IPT.  We have a regular cron job keeping it up to date.

Hope that helps,


On 29/11/16 03:48, Matt Yoder wrote:
Hi Steve,

Thanks for the endpoint, I will have to play with it.  I think that I
have returned, for practical purposes, the same set of results by
parsing http://rs.gbif.org/core/dwc_occurrence_2015-07-02.xml.   Your
concluding observations are right on point.  I want something more-
the sets present in the assistant, available as some resource
endpoint. I want to automatically generate Ruby constants, Rails
migrations, rspec validators and more via a more or less self-updating
 Ruby gem.  This let's me replicate the functionality in the assistant
in a back end without having to guess what I should cover.

It would seem that if the assistant is a best practice (and first step
for many) towards getting others to using DWCAs then the metadata that
drives that assistant should be available as a meta-standard of sorts?
Is the source code to the assistant available somewhere?


I'm not sure that this query will actually do what you want, since the terms
in the various dropdowns in the DwC-A Assistant aren't strictly those whose
dwcattributes:organizedInClass properties have values that are the dropdown
category.  Also, the various extensions aren't there.  But your question is
a kind of use case that TDWG should think about supporting for
"enhancements" [2] to the basic DwC term vocabulary.


[1] https://github.com/tdwg/vocab/blob/master/documentation-specification.md
[2] see Section 4 (Vocabulary enhancements) of

Matt Yoder wrote:
Hi All,

I was wondering if there is an RDF document like
https://github.com/tdwg/dwc/blob/master/rdf/dwcterms.rdf that had
something like the dwcattributes:organizedInClass therein such that I
could query it to return terms as organized in the dwca-assistant

In other words I want to return all terms under Core::Occurence,
Core::Taxon, Core::Extensions::Foo etc.

Thanks for your time,
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Steven J. Baskauf, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer
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