Hi Javier, Yes we had a cool headline on the TDWG site... ;-) It's a good thing that you'll be presenting our work at the TDWG : there was much interesting stuff in there, an I think there's lots of opportunities for follow-up work. You were asking for telephone support, but I couldn't find out clearly when you were giving your talk. Patricia Mergen and Franck Theeten from RMCA will be attending TDWG for the RMCA. best regards, Bart. On Thu, 2007-08-02 at 18:12 +0200, biogeosdi-request@lists.tdwg.org wrote:
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Today's Topics:
1. News item at TDWG site (Javier de la Torre) 2. Abstract for TDWG 2007 (Javier de la Torre) 3. Here goes the abstract submission (Javier de la Torre)
Message: 1 Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2007 13:16:31 +0200 From: Javier de la Torre <jatorre@gmail.com> Subject: [Biogeosdi] News item at TDWG site To: biogeosdi@lists.tdwg.org Message-ID: <132BE569-4300-4590-9647-454D4F4AFBF2@gmail.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed
Hey people!
We got a news item at the TDWG site :) Check it out at:
http://www.tdwg.org/homepage-news-item/article/geointeroperability- workshop-outcomes/
Message: 2 Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2007 17:36:06 +0200 From: Javier de la Torre <jatorre@gmail.com> Subject: [Biogeosdi] Abstract for TDWG 2007 To: biogeosdi@lists.tdwg.org Message-ID: <5E64E7DF-9F50-47D5-8211-3419630E0D6B@gmail.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCII; delsp=yes; format=flowed
Hi all,
As you know I will attend TDWG 2007 and from the lasts messages I received seems that I am the only one attending. Therefore I take the liberty to send an abstract about the workshop we had with all the participants as co-authors. I am mainly taking the abstract from the report and briefly reformulating it for a talk. My first idea was to present this at Renato's session on "integrating biodiversity data" on Thursday 20th, but due to some things going on I might move it to the spatial Model session on Wednesday (Renato I will keep you updated).
My idea at the presentation is just to demonstrate the prototype and highlight some of the issues we had with it. More or less what I did at OGC but without explaining what a plant is ,like I did there :D
I am asking for teleconference facilities to see if some of you can at least join me remotely for questions or comments. Is there anybody avaialble at least for telephone call then?
Hopefully during next week I can work with Tim to set the whole code in TDWG server and we can have it finally host it somewhere permanently. If not and if someone is interested we have it working in a Parallels image that you can run in a mac (and maybe somewhere else Tim?)
Cheers and see you all soon.
Message: 3 Date: Thu, 2 Aug 2007 18:12:42 +0200 From: Javier de la Torre <jatorre@gmail.com> Subject: [Biogeosdi] Here goes the abstract submission To: biogeosdi@lists.tdwg.org Message-ID: <E84BFEEE-234C-4F47-97A4-79AF104A5F8C@gmail.com> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
Just in case someone is interested here it goes the submission i just have made.