Dear Colleagues,

We are happy to announce that Registration and Abstract Submission for the TDWG 2017 meeting are now open.  Registration is available at the conference website, and instructions for abstract submission can be found here. The deadline for submission is July 14. Camera-ready copy will be due Sept. 5.

In a change for TDWG, abstract submission this year will be done through the Pensoft ARPHA platform. Many of you are already familiar with ARPHA, which supports and facilitates collaborative authoring, manuscript review, feedback to authors, publication, and post-publication review and discussion. One of the benefits that will come from this is that abstracts will be published in Proceedings of TDWG, hosted by Pensoft. Published abstracts will be assigned DOIs, and will be available for post-publication review.

The TDWG 2017 organizing committee has worked with Pensoft to customize the ARPHA workflow in a way that makes sense for TDWG. Please note that you can add references, a figure, a table, and supplementary materials without these being counted towards your total word limit. It is likely that there will be some hiccups, and we ask for your patience throughout the process. Help is available via the ARPHA tool's "Helpdesk" icon, or via email to

As previously announced, TDWG 2017 has a rich collection of workshops and symposia to which you can contribute. Abstracts are required for oral presentations, computer demonstrations, and posters. The only exception is “wild ideas” (see below), which do not require abstracts. These categories are described below. 

Types of Contributions

Symposia or Workshop Presentations

The backbone of a TDWG meeting are its symposia and workshops. A symposium is typically a collection of talks, sometimes with a panel or open discussion. A workshop may have talks, but typically encourages more active engagement through training activities or through facilitated discussion around a key issue. Accepted symposia and workshops are listed here along with an indication of whether or not the symposium/workshop organizers are accepting unsolicited submissions. If you would like to give a talk, you should first see if any open workshops/symposia match your topic.

Other Oral Presentations

If no workshop or symposium is suitable, you can submit your abstract to the "Other Oral Presentation" category. The organizing committee will attempt to schedule similar talks in the same session.

Computer demonstrations

We will provide an opportunity for live computer demonstrations. Note that rooms for these presentations may have WiFi connections only (not wired), and you are advised to have a backup plan should the internet connection not work to your satisfaction.


We will provide dedicated space for posters and at least one dedicated poster session on the agenda. Instructions on poster size will be announced closed to the conference, and posted on the FAQ.

5-Minute Wild Ideas/Unconference

Towards the end of the conference, we will have a “Wild Ideas” session, with talks selected via an unconference-style procedure. Abstracts are not be required for this category of submission.


We look forward to your contributions and to seeing you in Ottawa in October.



The 2017 Program Committee