SDD Challenge Cases

The challenge cases below represent specific classes of problems that the SDD Standard needs to address. The exemplar for each case provides a chunk or fragment of descriptive data that minimally exemplifies the problem; the challenge is to validly represent the data under the evolving standard. The challenges are listed in the approximate order in which they will be worked through.

Challenge 1: Represent basic descriptions of two taxa from one (natural language) source


Discaria pubescens

Rigid, spreading shrub to c. 1m high and wide; stems glabrous. Leaves soon deciduous (particularly on older plants), +/- oblong, (4-)6-10(-15) mm long, 2-3 mm wide, apex obtuse or minutely mucronate within an apical notch, glabrous or a few hairs present near tip; stipules dark reddish-brown, c. 1 mm long, often shallowly joined around the node; spines stout, 1.5-4 cm long

Discaria nitida

Slender shrub, to 5 m high; stems glabrous. Leaves persistent (rarely deciduous), elliptic to obovate, (8-)10-20(-30) mm long, 3-7 mm wide, glabrous, shining; spines not developed at each node, to c. 1 cm long.



2. Basic description of one taxon, two sources, basic markup


3. One treatment, several contributing authors


4. Define basic character list


5. Remote vs local character list


6. Remote vs local taxon lists


7. Several descriptions at different levels (e.g. family (genus (species (specimens))))


8. Universal treatment, several outputs (natural language, NEXUS, interactive key)