Just a quick reminder that the meeting starts tomorrow. I hope that many of you will join us for some or all of the meeting. You can join by video (or, if you don't have those options we'll try to set up an additional phone or Skype connection for you). If you have not been in touch to let me know that you will join and have not yet tested your video link to EVO, please do so.
The agenda, video instructions, and a variety of background papers (I just updated it with several more) are available on the TDWG Literature Wiki (http://wiki.tdwg.org/twiki/bin/view/Literature/WebHome). Please visit it to see what is going on!
I look forward to seeing/hearing you soon!
Cheers, Anna
Anna L. Weitzman, PhD Botanical and Biodiversity Informatics Research National Museum of Natural History Smithsonian Institution
office: 202.633.0846 mobile: 202.415.4684 weitzman@si.edu