Dear TDWG Content subscribers, The GBIF Secretariat is pleased to offer a limited number of small awards of up to €5,000 to GBIF Participants to evaluate the current DarwinCore Archive taxonomic data exchange format in order to stimulate the process of sharing species-level taxonomic data. Please refer to the link below for more information on this call: http://www.gbif.org/communications/news-and-events/showsingle/article/gbif-a... The GBIF network is evaluating the means to support the publication of species-level data in the form of annotated species checklists and taxonomic catalogues. Facilitating this capacity has been a long- standing request from participants and a target capacity for the GBIF network. Annotated checklists and taxonomic catalogues are not only highly-valued resources in their own right, they also provide a means to improve the quality of primary biodiversity data mobilised through GBIF and the contexts in which it can be organised and delivered. We would like to open up the draft checklist exchange format for review and testing by providing small awards to facilitate the publication of existing species checklist and taxonomic catalogue data and information. Deadline for applications is 20 December 2010. We look forward to your participation and contributions to this process. Please make contact by email at dremsen@gbif.org with any questions or information requests. With best regards, David Remsen ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- David Remsen, Senior Programme Officer Electronic Catalog of Names of Known Organisms Global Biodiversity Information Facility Secretariat Universitetsparken 15, DK-2100 Copenhagen, Denmark Tel: +45-35321472 Fax: +45-35321480 Mobile +45 28751472 Skype: dremsen ----------------------------------------------------------------------------