TaxonWorks Greetings Everyone!

RE: TaxonWorks Together 2022

Familiar with TaxonWorks software? Many of you are. Or it's new to you and you'd like to learn more to find out the latest? Please join us 12 - 14 September for TaxonWorks Together 2022 (TWT2022).  Please register (it's free) and share this widely to all who might be interested. All are welcome. TaxonWorks is an integrated web-based workbench for taxonomists and biodiversity scientists and collections.

Click to Register.
See the TWT2022 Agenda to find out what's on the menu.
short URL:

Questions? You can ask them in the registration form or send me an email (

- Deborah Paul, Biodiversity Informatics Community Liaison
- Species File Group (INHS), University of Illinois
-- Biodiversity Information Standards (TDWG) Chair 2021-2022
-- Florida State University Courtesy Appointment
-- Species File Group and Events