Wonderful to agree and disagree with you, yes indeed, even better with *spirit*! 

Jon Stewart would be proud of us both.

I went to the rally in DC last Saturday!  We two are indeed sane :-)

As for the utility of ranks -- well, I'm ready to agree to disagree, as long
as we can both acknowledge that lots and lots of existing data "out there"
are still classified (in a taxonomic sense) against the Linnaean
nomenclatural system, for which dwc:taxonRank is a relevant (at least)

Indeed! As mentioned in a previous email to you, I  can live (even happy) with dwc:taxonRank :-)

Nico (who does not believe in species but thinks only clades are real)

Nico Cellinese, Ph.D.
Assistant Curator, Herbarium & Informatics
Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Biology

Florida Museum of Natural History
University of Florida
354 Dickinson Hall, PO Box 117800
Gainesville, FL 32611-7800, U.S.A.
Tel. 352-273-1979
Fax 352-846-1861