Am 19.11.2010 20:17, schrieb Peter DeVries:
I have been working with Søren to interlink our species lists, and many of the sources included on the EEA diagram are incorporated into my sparql endpoint.
Hi Peter, i have seen these lists and some interlinking, very good pioneer work! Søren has invented a "sameSpecies" property for such links. It is a very good idea not to use owl:sameAs, as this would really merge the two records. But maybe "sameSpecies" is not the best solution. At first, it should be "sameTaxon", so it can be used on any taxon rank level. Secondly, I wonder whether the two linked taxa would allways be the same. There is a good solution for such issues in the skos mapping properties: http://www.w3.org/TR/skos-reference/#mapping There are predefined skos:closeMatch, skos:exactMatch, skos:broadMatch, skos:narrowMatch and skos:relatedMatch sub-properties, and you may add more specific flavors of mapping. Best regards, Thomas
There are additional linked data sets including uniprot and bio2rdf.
The endpoint is described here: http://www.taxonconcept.org/sparql-endpoint/
This means that people can at least begin to try some of this out now.
* I am in the process of updating my data set so the over the next few days there will be a time where the taxonconcept entities disappear, but they should be back within an hour.
Here is one species as seen from the TaxonConcept entity in the triplestore:
Here is the EUNIS representation for that same species.
Note you can browse between these an other related entities.
- Pete
On Fri, Nov 19, 2010 at 6:37 AM, Thomas Bandholtz <thomas.bandholtz@innoq.com <mailto:thomas.bandholtz@innoq.com>> wrote:
The European Environment Agency has published a use case about networking and aligning species databases all over Europe based on Linked Data: http://svn.eionet.europa.eu/projects/Reportnet/wiki/ContentRegistry/UseCase1... I am quite sure they will start working on this quite soon.
Cheers, Thomas
-- Thomas Bandholtz, thomas.bandholtz@innoq.com <mailto:thomas.bandholtz@innoq.com>, http://www.innoq.com innoQ Deutschland GmbH, Halskestr. 17, D-40880 Ratingen, Germany Phone: +49 228 9288490 Mobile: +49 178 4049387 Fax: +49 228 9288491
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-- --------------------------------------------------------------- Pete DeVries Department of Entomology University of Wisconsin - Madison 445 Russell Laboratories 1630 Linden Drive Madison, WI 53706 TaxonConcept Knowledge Base <http://www.taxonconcept.org/> / GeoSpecies Knowledge Base <http://lod.geospecies.org/> About the GeoSpecies Knowledge Base <http://about.geospecies.org/> ------------------------------------------------------------
-- Thomas Bandholtz, thomas.bandholtz@innoq.com, http://www.innoq.com innoQ Deutschland GmbH, Halskestr. 17, D-40880 Ratingen, Germany Phone: +49 228 9288490 Mobile: +49 178 4049387 Fax: +49 228 9288491