I had been administering uBio for the last year, but now I am moving from MBL. uBio machine is in a bad shape, and it crashes after a few hours of work. My plan is to create Docker containers for database, code and data, which should make whole system much more stable, and much more manageable. Good news I will definitely try my best to do it, the bad news I am spread thinner than usual with move, transferring hardware and grant, GN things, EOL things, and figuring out what to do with the house etc. uBio 'code' part is about 35 Gb, which makes the task more complicated, but I am quite optimistic that I will be able to make containers and put them either on an  MBL machine, run it from University of Illinois, or give it to Naturalis -- depending on what will make more sense for Dave Remsen, MBL and all interested in the project.

On Thu, Oct 15, 2015 at 4:44 PM, Chuck Miller <Chuck.Miller@mobot.org> wrote:
I got this uBio status update from David Remsen, who is at MBL but no longer involved with uBio:

"uBio and associated systems (such as Nomenclator Zoologicus) are installed on machines for which the supporting software has not been updated in some time and was crashing regularly.  It is currently offline but Dmitry Mozzherin has a solution to host it in a Docker container that would stabilize it for use.  We are looking to have it back in service in the next weeks before Dima heads to Champaign and Species File Software."


-----Original Message-----
From: davidpshorthouse@gmail.com [mailto:davidpshorthouse@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Shorthouse, David
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2015 12:21 PM
To: Hilmar Lapp
Cc: Chuck Miller; tdwg-content@lists.tdwg.org; Jonathan A Rees
Subject: Re: [tdwg-content] status of uBio

> Good intentions. However, uBio has historically expressly not allowed
> the download or redistribution of its content in bulk. (Perhaps
> they’ve changed this lately, but if so, I’m not aware that they have.)

Is there still a 'they' that can respond? If there is no longer a 'they', is this a case of a resource that does more harm in being revived than in turning it off? I did not see evidence of activity in uBio prior to its disappearance; we ought to strive for resources that can acquire and integrate new content with minimal effort and be able to illustrate that. Perhaps we should solicit the once present 'they'
and current entities/individuals that have assumed ownership to release the content & functionality for reabsorption elsewhere.

David P. Shorthouse
tdwg-content mailing list