Dear Colleagues,

We are excited to announce the list of accepted workshops and symposia at TDWG 2017, viewable here. Abstract submission, which will be via the Pensoft ARPHA tool, will be available soon. In the meantime, we invite you to begin considering your contributions to this year's meeting. Abstracts are required for all oral presentations (with the exception of “wild ideas”, see below), computer demonstrations, and posters. These categories are described below.

Types of Contributions:

Symposia or Workshop Presentations

The backbone of a TDWG meeting are its symposia and workshops. At TDWG, a symposium is typically a collection of talks, sometimes with a panel or open discussion; a workshop may have talks, but typically encourages more active engagement through training activities, or through facilitated discussion around a key issue.  Accepted symposia and workshops are listed here, along with an indication of whether or not the symposium/workshop is accepting submissions. If you would like to give a talk, you should see if any open workshops/symposia are suitable.

Other Oral Presentations

If no workshop or symposium is suitable, you can submit your abstract to the "Other Oral Presentation" track. Accepted abstracts will be arranged so that talks on similar subjects are in the same session.

Computer demonstrations

We will provide an opportunity for live computer demonstrations. Note that rooms for these presentations may have WiFi connections only (not wired), and you may want to have a backup plan should the internet connection not work to your satisfaction.


We will provide dedicated space for posters, and at least one dedicated poster session on the agenda. Instructions on poster size will be posted nearer the conference.

5-Minute Wild Ideas/Unconference

Towards the end of the conference, we will have a “Wild Ideas” session, with talks selected via an unconference-style procedure. Abstracts will not be required for these.


James Macklin (Local Committee Chair) &
Joel Sachs (Program Chair)