Hey guys,
Seems that the GBIF REST services have changed since we coded... the GbifOccurrenceSax.php class that Dave programmed is hadling manually namespaces expecting things like "dwc:ScientificName". In the response from the REST services now you will get things like "tn:nameComplete" so...
Another change on the format that the data is comming and another crash on the application...
What do you think? Should we update this to the new format? or we make a note on the report and explain that because people keep changing the XML format they are using behind their services, without changing the semantics, it is a pain for applications? Aghh. There should be like in Google Maps a parameter specifying which version you wanna have returned to keep things stable.
In any case I could not resist and updated the GbifOccurrenceSax class to use the new format....
Still there is no way to tell GBIF only to return occurrences with coordinates. I will ask Donald.