I would like to add an observation that comes from a computer science tradition An object should have one responsibility and several responsibilities should be achieved by combination of objects. In case of identifiers an illustration can be a scientific name. It does work as an identifier and as a tiny classification. For example Pinus silverstris identifies a species and also tells us the genus of the species. As a result identifier changes when classification changes and also you cannot identify species until you find a genus placement. Combination of two responsibilities in my opinion decreased usefulness of this particular identifier dramatically. Now imagine that Linnaeus would also add a resolution responsibility to identifier. Would not his inclusion of resolution mechanism into identifier be not that appropriate at this day and age? Dima On Wed, Jun 8, 2011 at 1:56 AM, Bob Morris <morris.bob@gmail.com> wrote:
Several points in your dialog with Rich Pyle confuse me. I can't tell at places where you are relying on TDWG Applicability Statements, where on W3 Recommendations, where on IETF RFCs, and where on Cool URIs. Your "easier to read" cited opinion pieces of Tim Berners-Lee carries a warning that it is obsolete in places. (I find it hard to identify those places, but, http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/NOTE-cooluris-20081203/ has a status a little less personal than the TBL pieces, and I assume that's what you are resting on.) That CoolURI NOTE explicitly declaims discussion of non-http URIs, so it is hard for me to see how it supports arguments about http URIs vs non-http URIs, although the last few sections make arguments to bolster its position. Also, as written, the document seems to have a vision of applicability to static web documents. Hence(?) extrapolating to data services seems to require choosing an RDF-based model of data services, and by no means is LOD the only possible such model, ab-hominem (sic) arguments notwithstanding.
I've eliminated so much of the dialog with Rich that I may be ignoring context that will show me wrong below.
2011/6/7 Steve Baskauf <steve.baskauf@vanderbilt.edu>:
[Rich Pyle said:] Here is where I completely disagree. I've said it before, and I'll keep saying it: GUIDs are (should be) intended and necessary for computer-computer communication; *NOT*for human-computer or human-human communication. Their beauty or ugliness should be determined by what's beautiful or ugly to a computer, not to a human. A consistent 128 bits is "beautiful" to a computer, but a UUID is ugly to a human; whereas " Danaus plexippus (Linnaeus 1758)" is beautiful to a human, but ugly to a computer (for reasons Dima already outlined).
[cyrillic character and other mumbles omitted]
Almost by definition, then, a "beautiful" identifier for computer-computer communication should be "ugly" to a pair of human eyeballs.
[Steve replied: ] I disagree with you completely here. If you haven't read the "Cool URIs" piece, you should before we talk >about this more. It is full of examples that are easy to read and type and are intended to be "understood" >by both humans and computers. The piece at http://www.w3.org/Provider/Style/URI is an even easier read. >GUIDs CAN be easy to "read" and type, although they don't have to be. The degree to which it "matters" >whether a GUID is human readable or not depends primarily on the likelihood that humans will see it in print >or type it in the URL box of a web browser. In the examples of GUIDs for names that you provided, I will >agree that it's not very likely that humans will be seeing them. But if the GUID is of a specimen, an image, >or a tree (which could easily appear in print or be written down by somebody to look at its web page), I would >argue that readability is desirable, e.g. http://bioimages.vanderbilt.edu/uncg/966 . I realize that everyone >does not agree with me on this, particularly the fans of UUIDs. As far as I know, there isn't any rule about >what characters should be in an HTTP URI.
As far as I know, there isn't any rule about what characters should be in an HTTP URI.
The ASCII control characters are forbidden in URI's used in RDF, but I guess that has no impact on your arguments.
[Steve continued:] But there is a general understanding that it is a best practice that an HTTP URI that is intended as an identifier should do content negotiation and produce both HTML for humans and RDF for machines.
This "general understanding" is about particular models of how to solve the dual use problem, and it's quite bound to the http protocol and web browsers as clients. Historically, such problems have sometimes been solved at the client side also. For example, most (all?) modern browsers can do pretty well with the FTP URI and the MAILTO URI.
History should not be ignored, especially the history of using protocols du-jour. The convergence of mobile telephony and information management and access arrived rather faster than most predicted. In a mobile world, http may well prove a junior player for data-centric apps, and http servers may not be whence data is fetched. (This is already the case for Android phones. See http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/content-providers.html#u... which describes Android's CONTENT URI scheme ). Similarly, a number of popular P2P network clients implement the MAGNET URI scheme http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnet_URI_scheme. Indeed, a cynical view of http://www.w3.org/Mobile/ would hold that W3C's direction is a plan to keep the worldwide web relevant. Will it succeed for data? Possibly only with a redefinition of the web. For databases, it's not any harder to make android content: protocol servers than to make http: protocol servers. See http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/providers/content-providers.html
[lots of stuff cut out here that will have to wait for another email]
[Rich said:] Errr..sort of. I say we identify things using GUIDs, and provide services that resolve those GUIDs via actionable HTTP URIs (or, if you prefer, embedding those GUIDs within a resolution metadata "wrapper"). Yes, I know it's all the rage to collapse the functions of actionability and globally unique identification into the same text-string URI (what I've been referring to as the TB-L perspective). But to be perfectly blunt, I see this as a mistake that will, in the long run, sow down our progress.
[Steve replied: ] Why does this slow down our progress? I don't get that at all. I see your viewpoint as the one impeding progress because non-HTTP GUIDs make it difficult or impossible to describe things in RDF.
Non-http GUIDS at worst make it difficult to play with data providers and clients that only understand the http protocol, which is a circular argument. Certainly, for example, Non-http GUIDS do not interfere with SPARQL queries, or with RDF reasoners or with RDF data integration. In fact, even LOD has no need of http URIs except for the convenience of the existing infrastructure. Any dereferencable URI scheme would work. And so would multiple ones, provided only the clients and servers both understood the schemes.
Finally a social issue about your arguments on the importance of the ease of transcribing URIs from paper. Of course, wholly within electronic clients for humans, this is irrelevant because the client can render the identifier in any form mutually agreeable to the human and the software. With no insult intended (well---maybe a friendly little poke... :-) ) , the social issue is this: mainly it's people over 30 who find paper publication anything other than a quaint annoyance. Others will be bemused if not astonished that some people think that paper is important for prospective publishing in the sciences.
In the spirit of ending on agreement: I agree with everything where you and Rich agree...oh, wait, that's because I agree with everything Rich said. :-)
Bob Morris
Richard L. Pyle, PhD Database Coordinator for Natural Sciences Associate Zoologist in Ichthyology Dive Safety Officer Department of Natural Sciences, Bishop Museum 1525 Bernice St., Honolulu, HI 96817 Ph: (808)848-4115, Fax: (808)847-8252 email: deepreef@bishopmuseum.org http://hbs.bishopmuseum.org/staff/pylerichard.html
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-- Steven J. Baskauf, Ph.D., Senior Lecturer Vanderbilt University Dept. of Biological Sciences
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-- Robert A. Morris
Emeritus Professor of Computer Science UMASS-Boston 100 Morrissey Blvd Boston, MA 02125-3390 IT Staff Filtered Push Project Department of Organismal and Evolutionary Biology Harvard University
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