Hi all, Cheers from Campinas! I arrived yesterday and had already my first swim at the hotel swimming pool :) Here is HOT, really HOT. I saw yesterday at 14:00 a thermometer claiming it was 35 celsius degrees, so be prepare. Apart of this I have to say that the food is wonderful, people is nice, the hotel is fine and with internet and CRIA is a nice office where I am sure we will have fun. But I haven't been just eating and swimming today! Jeje. I have been all day working with Tim to prepare stuff and I have to say we have been quite productive, hopefully we will continue the same tomorrow. Tim has prepared a development server for us with Ubuntu where we have installed things like Geoserver for WMS,WCS and WFS. He also have set up the basic project layout for svn (using the one provided by Dave). Meanwhile I have started mocking up the interface of the web app that we discussed we want to build, and we have gone quite far already :) You can take a look at the screenshots we took at: http://wiki.tdwg.org/twiki/bin/view/Geospatial/MockupScreenShots All the source code is already in subversion if you wanna take a look (trac has an svn browser). Tomorrow we will probably start making them more real than they are today by getting already some data via web services. Maybe we are done before you come and we can all go on holidays on Monday :D Not really, there is a lot of nice ideas floating in our minds for merging more and more standards into the prototype. Ah! and because there has not been any suggestions we are starting to use Acacias as the test data (please bring more ideas!). I hope you are all fine and we are waiting for you to be around here. Cheers, Javier. PD: By the way! I took the suggested bus and I have to say is more comfortable than a taxi! The bus is fully air conditioned, with big seats (really big), the people are very quit... I really really recommend you to pick up the bus.