This is probably worth posting here.

Begin forwarded message:

From: David Eades <>
Date: 25 May 2011 00:17:20 CEST
To: "'David Remsen (GBIF)'" <>
Cc: "'Burke Chih-Jen Ko (GBIF)'" <>, 'Hernán Pereira' <>, "Flood, Rich" <>
Subject: error in TDWG geogrphic classification
Reply-To: <>

Dear David,

Hernán Pereira and Rich Flood have located what we believe is an error in
the TDWG data that has been widely used.  The geographic coordinates
associated with Sardinia actually form the outline of Corsica.  The
geographic coordinates associated with Corsica actually outline Sardinia.
We got the data from TDWG in 2001.  I have separately notified Kew, which
has the same data we got from TDWG available for download at
