Comment(s) inline.
John Wieczorek wrote on Wednesday, 7 September 2011 6:49
Do we abandon the dwc: terms decimalLatitude, decimalLongitude, and geodeticDatum? Do we abandon them now? Do we build the simplest possible tools necessary for anyone to do the transformations so that these terms are no longer needed? If so, do we wait until those tools exist before we abandon the terms and make millions of georeferenced records less readily usable?
Assuming the introduction of geo:lat and geo:lng, I think this means that an application that provides lats and longs calculated in an older datum (e.g. one of the old Australian ones that are up to 200 metres off WGS84) would need to be rewritten to convert its lats/longs to WGS84 before sending?
I don't know how many systems still rely on an older reference ellipsoid, but I figured it might be worth a comment. Sending specimen data verbatim would be problematic here.
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