Steve and I have again run into similar issues when trying to create something that works well as LOD RDF.

I have started to link to the DBpedia entries for those taxonomic authors that I recognize and exist in DBpedia.

In one case, I created a page for an arachnologist so that he would have a resolvable URI.

There is some lag between creating a Wikipedia page and it showing up in DBpedia but that is shortening.

Also these Wikipedia pages are not as stable as I would like, but I think the DBpedia people probably can devise some solution.

In this species concept I include both a link to the species description PDF and to the URI for the Author.


Note that these species concepts have as a "Part" an original description, which has it's own section in the RDF.

  <txn:SpeciesOriginalDescription rdf:about="">
    <!-- Ideally, this should link to a resource in the Biodiversity Heritage Library -->
    <dcterms:title>Original Published Description relating to Species Concept Hentzia alamosa se:2mqjL</dcterms:title>
    <dcterms:description>LOD metadata about the original species description relating to Species Concept Hentzia alamosa se:2mqjL</dcterms:description>
    <dcterms:isPartOf rdf:resource=""/>
    <txn:hasAuthorURI rdf:resource=""/>
    <txn:basionymName>Hentzia alamosa Richman, 2010</txn:basionymName>
    <txn:hasPDFVersion rdf:resource=""/>
    <txn:speciesOriginalDescriptionHasSpeciesConcept rdf:resource=""/>

Here is the view of this concept from within my triple store
* Note that some email clients - notably AppleMail tries to change the encoded URI so the link below might not work for you.
  You can get to this same view by clicking on icon next to "Salticidae" on the html page >

- Pete
Pete DeVries
Department of Entomology
University of Wisconsin - Madison
445 Russell Laboratories
1630 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706
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