Hi Everyone, I've posted rdf of the bioblitz data. It's at http://www.cs.umbc.edu/~jsachs/occurrences/TechnoBioblitzOccurrences.rdf . Individual occurrences can be retrieved via http://www.cs.umbc.edu/~jsachs/occurrences/[occurrence_id] e.g. http://www.cs.umbc.edu/~jsachs/occurrences/tdwg2010bioblitz_1835 Individual identifications can be retrieved via http://www.cs.umbc.edu/~jsachs/identifications/[identification_id] e.g. http://www.cs.umbc.edu/~jsachs/identifications/tdwg2010bioblitz_1835_id_1 The scripts behind this are on the kludgy side, so reports of errors and abnormalities will be warmly welcomed. Implicit in each of the following notes is the question "Is this a good way to do it?": 1. The data is "normalized" w.r.t. identification. "Normalized" is in quotes because I mean it in the sense that Steve Baskauf was using in his Fall 2010 series of posts. His meaning of the term makes sense to me, but many people (e.g. the OBO folks), take "normalized ontology" to mean "disentangled" (i.e. no multiple inheritance.) As an example, here's an occurrence with two crowdsourced determinations: http://www.cs.umbc.edu/~jsachs/occurrences/tdwg2010bioblitz_1644 2. I used sequential integers for observation and identification IDs; in practice, a mechanism needs to be in place to prevent two people from assigning the same id to their respective identifications. 3. My answer to Cam Webb's Question #1 from http://lists.tdwg.org/pipermail/tdwg-content/2010-October/001720.html is "both". In other words, just as "Joel Sachs" is both me and also my name, so http://www.cs.umbc.edu/~jsachs/occurrences/tdwg2010bioblitz_1668 is both an occurrence and an occurrence_id, expressed as: --- <dwc:Occurrence rdf:about="http://www.cs.umbc.edu/~jsachs/occurrences/tdwg2010bioblitz_1644"> <dwc:occurrenceID> http://www.cs.umbc.edu/~jsachs/occurrences/tdwg2010bioblitz_1644 </dwc:occurrenceID> <blah blah blah/> </dwc:Occurrence> --- 4. I was surprised to see that the Darwin Core Identification class has no "occurrenceID" or "specimenID" term. How is one supposed to tie an identification to an observation (assuming the identification is not in-lined, of course)? DeVries and Baskauf each mint their own terms for doing this (txn:identificationHasOccurrence, and sernec:basedOnOccurrence, respectively); I used dwc:occurrenceID as if it were a record level term. 5. We had scope for multiple taxonConceptID columns in the Fusion table, and assigned lsids where possible. I also mean to work with Pete to assign GUIDs from taxoncocept.org. In addition, I assigned ethan taxon concept ids, which look like this: http:.//spire.umbc.edu/ethan/Coffea_arabica In their argument over opaque vs. transparent taxonCoceptIDs, I was sympathetic to both Pete's and Gregor's arguments. Ultimately, if the tooling exists to always display the rdfs:labels every time I'm loooking at a list of opaqueIDs, then transparent IDs are unnecessary. But, for now, it's really helpful to look at an ID and know what it's referring to. (For species names not in the spire database, the rdf returned by http:.//spire.umbc.edu/ethan/$name is simply an rdfs:seeAlso to http://http://gni.globalnames.org/name_strings?search_term=$name) 6. It was easy to assert membership in RDF classes corresponding to various Cape Cod categories of concern - invasive species, threatenened species, indicators, etc. You can see these classes at http://spire.umbc.edu/ontologies/lists (Information of where these lists come from is included as rdfs:comments. I'll add further documentation, e.g. links to eml files.) Note that "ThingOfConcern" is defined as the superclass of all the other classes in the collection. The idea here is that people can create their own "ThingOfConcern" class, and then query for observations that are of concern to them. You can see sample sparql queries at http://www.csee.umbc.edu/~jsachs/occurrences/queries/sample.txt As an aside, I think we, as a community, should come up with a biodiversity benchmark suite of rdf data and corresponding sparql queries, that can be used to test the suitability and scalability of semantic web knowledge bases. I'll take this up in a future post (unless someone beats me to it). Comments, questions, and better ideas are welcome. Thanks - Joel.