Hi All, There is a tentative schedule for the TDWG conference in Bratislava, 16-23 September on: http://wiki.tdwg.org/twiki/bin/view/Executive/Tdwg2007ConferenceSchedule Included are two slots of particular interest to our Taxon Data Model (most likely to be changed yet again to "Taxon Information Model" to avoid confusion with taxonomy models): Tuesday 16.00-18.00 Tuesday 18 Sept: Group meetings: a block of time for interest and task or joint group meetings Wednesday 08.30-10.00 Wednesday 19 Sept: Special session devoted to Taxon Data Model I'd like to get an idea of numbers interested in attending these sessions so let me know if you and/or colleagues plan to attend the conference. It will be a good opportunity to report on progress and, most importantly, hold discussions with other groups whose interests overlap with ours. Best regards, Éamonn