Gregor, Should we consider a TCS version 2 with this capability? greg On 25 November 2010 23:54, Gregor Hagedorn <g.m.hagedorn@gmail.com> wrote:
About the problem of being unable to use fragments: SDD provides two root schemata, one that allows only valid "complete" datasets, another allowing fragments. ("object interchange..."). Under the assumptions of xml-schema, it is perfectly legal to have schema-validation variants for differnt purposes.
It was originally planned to merge the xml-standards (TCS, SDD, ABCD) into one unified one, thus introducing such mechanisms (and extension mechanisms like in SDD) into all. This was stopped by the TDWG executive in favor of redesigning everything as RDF vocabularies instead of xml-schema. So the xml-schema standards are somewhat poor orphans... :-)
Gregor _______________________________________________ tdwg-content mailing list tdwg-content@lists.tdwg.org http://lists.tdwg.org/mailman/listinfo/tdwg-content
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