On Oct 3, 2013, at 6:42 AM, Steve Baskauf wrote:

I suppose if people want to be unambiguous, they should just use URIs. 

Exactly that.

Unfortunately, I'm not aware of URIs for the terms from various systems of describing biomes.

To the extent that unawareness is to be supported, this can be solved through better documentation.

  I suppose someone could mint terms if they cared about this.

Certainly not - minting random terms whose semantic content consists solely of a non-resolving URI string or a string in whatever natural language is barely better than providing no value at all. 

Or use ENVO uris.

Yes, indeed. If they don't exist yet, ask that they do. That's the way to build community ontologies - by a community actively working to make the ontology what it needs it to be.

: Hilmar Lapp  -:- Durham, NC -:- informatics.nescent.org :