And following on re: DOIs, BHL has become a member of CrossRef and starting in February will begin assigning DOIs first to our monographs & then on to journal content.  There is an annual fee for membership and then a fee for every DOI assigned.  BHL is absorbing these costs for community benefit.


-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of Roderic Page
Sent: Wed 1/5/2011 2:17 AM
Cc: Paul Murray; Chris Freeland
Subject: Re: [tdwg-content] GUIDs for publications (usages and names)

Few quick comments on this thread.


CrossRef provides an OpenURL resolver for discovering whether a DOI 
exists for a publication. This is how publishers find DOIs for 
references cited in manuscripts, and several bibliographic tools use 
it to populate their databases (e.g., Zotero, Mendeley). I provide a 
wrapper to this resolver at

The number of taxonomic works with DOIs is growing, and may be rather 
larger than most people realise, especially as publishers such as 
Wiley's digitise archives of society journals, and as JSTOR increases 
its content. Add yes, CSIRO uses DOIs.

The "brief citations" Tony mentions, which are widely used by 
nomenclators, do pose problems for services such as CrossRef. I 
discuss one approach to solving this in my paper "bioGUID: resolving, 
discovering, and minting identifiers for biodiversity informatics" (
  ), where I describe a service that takes a page within a reference 
and tries to locate the DOI for the enclosing paper. I'm using this 
service at the moment to find papers in the recently released Plant 


Paul mentions, which is a great resource, 
albeit riddled with duplicates (although the library world has its own 
notion of what counts as a duplicate). BHL content is now appearing in 


As Steve points out, we're going to need a large community effort to 
assemble a bibliography of all taxonomic work. Without wishing to side 
track this thread, I think this is a task best undertaken with a much 
larger community than we traditionally think of. The bibliographic 
site Mendeley or something similar, such as Zotero, seem better bets 
than doing this ourselves.

Linked Data

Without wishing to get too bogged down in a discussion of linked data, 
perhaps a few points are worth noting.

1. Although DOIs currently don't play nice with linked data (unless 
wrapped in a service such as http://bioguid), according to Geoff 
Bilder, CrossRef has plans to add content negotiation and RDF to
, and is close to flicking the switch to make this happen.

2. The bulk of linked data resources for biology are not provided by 
the primary data sources (e.g., GenBank or PubMed) but by third party 
wrappers around those services. These services have made choices about 
URIs, vocabularies that might not hold if and when the primary data 
providers, such as NCBI, start serving RDF. In my experience these 
third party services may also omit things that we may think of as 
vital, for example doesn't include specimen or 
locality information for GenBank sequences.

3. For many resources we either have no linked data URIs or too many. 
This either leads to somebody having to mint URIs, typically for 
something that isn't their own data (e.g., I provide HTTP URIs for 
ISSNs), or having to accommodate multiple URIs, which makes specifying 
relationships between objects rather tricky (one database may describe 
a citation link between two documents using PubMed identifiers, while 
another describes the same link using DOIs).

My point is that linked data isn't a panacea, in some respects it just 
makes the mess we're in easier to see. The hope of the linked data 
community is that eventually it will all come together. For an 
alternative take on this I recommend Stefano Mazzocchi's essay "On 
Data Reconciliation Strategies and Their Impact on the Web of Data"



Roderic Page
Professor of Taxonomy
Institute of Biodiversity, Animal Health and Comparative Medicine
College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences
Graham Kerr Building
University of Glasgow
Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK

Tel: +44 141 330 4778
Fax: +44 141 330 2792
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