3 Mar
3 Mar
Kevin Thiele writes:
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2000 15:58:08 +1100 From: Kevin Thiele kevin.thiele@PI.CSIRO.AU To: TDWG-SDD@usobi.org Subject: Re: Progressive Revelation
Dear Mike,
you're right of course that a Best algorithm can to some extent emulate Progressive Revelation as I described it, but I think a fully worked-out PR model would go further. Also, of course, it's silly to work from a fully populated rectangular matrix if there's no intention of using all of it. Better perhaps to use a data model that has a "matrix" representation or equivalent at its core for the global data and a cloud of "data bits" for the non-global stuff.
i.e., an object oriented database ..... :-)
Bob Morris
Cheers - k