2 Aug
2 Aug
Hi Pete,
Well, it certainly is a bit more elegant than Dave's string & duct tape solution - still, it worked fine, though.
Hope you got through the worst of the red tape by now, and starting to get settled. How is the US in comprison with the UK ?
best regards,
On Wed, 2007-08-01 at 12:00 +0200, biogeosdi-request@lists.tdwg.org wrote:
Bart Meganck,
ICT & GIS engineer,
African Zoology Department.
Royal Museum for Central Africa,
Leuvensesteenweg 13,
B-3080 Tervuren,
Tel : +32(0)2 769 56 92
Fax : +32(0)2 767 02 42
Email : bart.meganck@africamuseum.be
Website : www.africamuseum.be
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