For example, here is a sparql query that will show the occurrences that are tagged to the concept for the American Toad.

PREFIX txn:            <>
PREFIX american_toad:  <>

DESCRIBE ?x WHERE {                   
  ?x txn:occurrenceHasSpeciesConcept american_toad:.

This link will take you to my endpoint which will display these on a map. (Need to change the Visualization to GoogleMaps)

These should also work on anyone else's endpoint, and on the LOD endpoint when the set is crawled.

On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 12:59 AM, Bob Morris <> wrote:
I am convenor of a group charged with recommending positions about
Knowledge Organization Systems (KOS) to GBIF. Among the things that
will be in our report will be a survey important vocabularies and
ontologies for biodiversity Knowledge Organization. Not only will OBOE
be among those discussed, but one of its architects, Mark Schildauer,
is a member of the work group. Similarly re: the OBO ontologies. When
our report is drafted, it will be opened for public comment both as to
what we recommend and what we may have missed.  Meanwhile, there is a
survey at to which all are
invited to participate if you haven't already.  If you have favorite
KOS resources, there is good opportunity to list them there.

Also, the TDWG 2010 Thursday sessions on Observations will, I believe,
soon have their notes on the TDWG website (if not there already).

Bob Morris

On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 1:03 AM, Cam Webb <> wrote:
> Hi Kevin,
>> I can't help but feel we are getting into a much more complicated area
>> of biodiversity ( or any observation oriented field for that matter )
>> and that there must be other ontologies or models that we could follow
>> or reuse.
> If you are referring specifically to adding depth to the observations of
> Individuals, I think one might look first at OBOE (OBOE: Extensible
> Observation Ontology) from the SEEK group at NCEAS:
> In summary, this describes an Observation of an Entity, with the
> Observation comprising a Measurement of the Value for a Characteristic of
> the Entity:
> @prefix oboe: <> .
> []  a oboe:Observation ;
>     oboe:ofEntity [
>         a oboe:Entity ;
>         ] ;
>     oboe:hasMeasurement [
>         a oboe:Measurement ;
>         oboe:ofCharacteristic [
>             a oboe:Characteristic ;
>             ] ;
>         oboe:hasValue [
>             a oboe:Entity ;
>             ] ;
>         ] .
> If we assert that a dwc:Occurrence is an instance of oboe:Entity, with
> dwc:basisOfRecord of "HumanObservation", with a dc:creator and dc:created
> (i.e., the space-time intersection of an Individual and a human observer),
> we can marry these two ontologies quite nicely.  Please see Example 1,
> below, for a description of the fruit color of an individual plant.
> What's nice about the OBOE model is that it contains all three possible
> parts of an observation: the entity, the characteristic and the value.
> This allows direct mapping to the Prometheus Description Model (structure
> + property + state = entity + characteristic + value; Pullan et al. 2005,
> Taxon 54:751-765), and indirect mapping to the popular EQ model (entity +
> quality, where quality = characteristic + value; Mabee et al. 2007,
> doi:10.1016/j.tree.2007.03.013). However, it doesn't map easily to the
> DELTA or SDD data models (character + character-state, where character =
> entity + characteristic and character-state = value).
> Because of the well-developed OBO ontologies, we can directly employ terms
> from, say, the Plant Ontology (po), for an oboe:Entity, and terms from
> PATO, the quality ontology, for a oboe:Measurement, combining
> characteristic and value into a quality.  We need to assert that a
> pato:quality is equivalent to a oboe:Measurement and possibly that a
> po:PO_0000001 (top level `plant structure') is an oboe:Entity.  We can
> also employ the OBO relational ontology (ro) to indicate that a fruit is
> ro:part_of the particular space-time Occurrence of an Individual (this
> might require a bit more discussion!).
> So, it seems that using only well-established vocabularies, we can make
> semantic statements about the characteristics of individuals originally
> defined primarily using DwC terms.  Please see example 2, below for a
> fairly slim, usable model of a description of the fruit color of an
> individual plant.  The image of the model is at:
> Again, any comments on this model will be much appreciated.  Are you aware
> of other attempts to join DwC Occurrence models with OBOE models?
> Best,
> Cam
> ====================== Example 1 =======================================
> @prefix oboe: <> .
> @prefix dwc: <> .
> @prefix dcterms: <> .
> @prefix sernec: <> .
> @prefix geo: <> .
> @prefix : <#> .
> <>
>     a sernec:Individual ;
>     sernec:derivativeOccurrence _:blank1 .
> _:blank1
>     # The Occurrence of the Individual...
>     a dwc:Occurrence ;
>     # ... at a position in space-time...
>     dcterms:created "2008-01-01" ;
>     dcterms:spatial [
>         a dcterms:Location ;
>         geo:lon "109.95371" ;
>         geo:lat "-1.25530" ;
>         dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters "100" ;
>         ] ;
>     # is a recordable OBOE Entity
>        a oboe:Entity ;
>     # as recorded by a human
>     dcterms:creator "Cam Webb" ;
>     dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation" .
> # The details of the observation:
> []  a oboe:Observation ;
>     oboe:ofEntity [
>         # The observed entity is actually *part of* the occurrence
>         #   of the Individual at a particular Space and Time
>         a :Fruit ;
>         :partOf _:blank1 ;
>         ] ;
>     oboe:hasMeasurement [
>         oboe:ofCharacteristic :Color ;
>         oboe:hasValue :Green ;
>         ] .
> :Fruit a oboe:Entity .
> :Color a oboe:Characteristic .
> :Green a oboe:Entity .
> ========================================================================
> ====================== Example 2 =======================================
> @prefix oboe: <> .
> @prefix dwc: <> .
> @prefix dcterms: <> .
> @prefix sernec: <> .
> @prefix geo: <> .
> @prefix ro: <> .
> @prefix pato: <> .
> @prefix po: <> .
> @prefix rdfs: <> .
> <>
>     sernec:derivativeOccurrence _:blank1 .
> _:blank1
>     a dwc:Occurrence ;
>     dcterms:created "2008-01-01" ;
>     dcterms:spatial [
>         geo:lon "109.95371" ;
>         geo:lat "-1.25530" ;
>         dwc:coordinateUncertaintyInMeters "100" ;
>         ] ;
>     dcterms:creator "Cam Webb" ;
>     dwc:basisOfRecord "HumanObservation" .
> # The details of the observation:
> []  a oboe:Observation ;
>     oboe:ofEntity [
>         ro:part_of _:blank1 ;
>         a po:PO_0009001 ; # Fruit
>         ] ;
>     oboe:hasMeasurement pato:PATO_0000320 . # Green color
> po:PO_0009001 rdfs:label "fruit" .
> pato:PATO_0000320 rdfs:label "green" .
> ========================================================================
> _______________________________________________
> tdwg-content mailing list

Robert A. Morris
Emeritus Professor  of Computer Science
100 Morrissey Blvd
Boston, MA 02125-3390
Associate, Harvard University Herbaria
phone (+1) 857 222 7992 (mobile)
tdwg-content mailing list

Pete DeVries
Department of Entomology
University of Wisconsin - Madison
445 Russell Laboratories
1630 Linden Drive
Madison, WI 53706
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