Hi Bart,

Still some things are not yet clear to me :

there are 3 possible types of occurrence sources :


Can somebody (backend team) tell me if for each of these sources a local
(CRIA) WMS/WFS layer is made  ?

Yes... Every time a getOccurrences method is called (with the source parameter set to gbif,wfs or tapir, see the docs) the data is collected from the source and puss to the dataProcessing service that, among other things, create a layer as you want. 

If yes, where can I obtain the name of that layer ? It doesn't seem to
come in the report/occurrences result object that we (frontend team)
parse for finding the occurrences and GML and such...

In the report you get back there is an element called "datasetId" that is the FeatureType of the newly created dataset. The OGC web service end point (WMS/WFS/WCS) is found under the element "OWSurl".
So therefore to generate a WMS requets for this dataset you would do something like:


You have to use an SLD document stored somehwere else, if you want to register the SLD within the geoserver at the server then you can give it to me and it will become available locally there. You see that apart of the dataset, the layer you talk about, I included some other layers already existing in the server so that the map does not look empty with only the dots, but if you want only the dots to overlay it with something else you can just remove them.

In the report there are some examples (actually this is from where I got this)

I know the whole thing about the DPS is complicate, tell Dave!!, but I really dont know any other way... There is no OGC oficial way of pussing data to a server and create a new layer with it, all I have found is hacks like this DPS. So in general I would say that OGC lacks of a standard to create mapping service, somewhere where you can send points in XML and get back an image... anybody that knows something about this please enlighten me. 

(I know a way trough SLD but is actually even more hacky and not enough flexible for what we want).


I suspect the WMS needed will be something like :


... but that still leaves the question of the layer name.

Can someone enlighten me ?




Ok great - if / once you get that sorted, I will validate all the rest
of the modelling steps are working ok. If Bart can check that the map
display stuff is working as mentioned in his last mail (hi Bart!) the
demo should all be hunky dory! I think Pete will be out of contact for
the next week or two as he is setttling into his new home in the US of



2007/6/25, Javier de la Torre <jatorre@gmail.com>:
Hi Tim,

Uhmmm... the only difference between the two logs is that the second
is more detailed and shows the variable not defined typical errors.

I am debugging right now... had an error in other file before getting
there in the HTML part... I will commit later...


On 25/06/2007, at 18:00, Tim Sutton wrote:

Hi Javi

If you watch the logs (/tmp/phperrors.log) while clicking onto the
getlayers link you will see only this:

[25-Jun-2001 09:50:42] nlayers: 1
[25-Jun-2001 09:50:46]
om end
[25-Jun-2001 09:50:46]
getAvailable Layers endpoint

When I installed the omtest code on my mac here the mac console
me a bit more detail:

[Mon Jun 25 12:59:57 2007] [error] nlayers: 1
[Mon Jun 25 13:00:02 2007] [error] [client] File
not exist: /Users/timlinux/Sites/biogeosdi/frontend/openlayers/
[Mon Jun 25 13:02:06 2007] [error]
om end
[Mon Jun 25 13:02:06 2007] [error]
getAvailable Layers endpoint
[Mon Jun 25 13:02:06 2007] [error] PHP Notice:  Undefined property:
nusoapclient::$operation in
/Users/timlinux/dev/php/biogeosdi/backend/libs/nusoap/nusoap.php on
line 6837

Does that mean anything to you?



2007/6/7, Javier de la Torre <jatorre@gmail.com>:
Give it to me!! I am the master of strange nusoap errors and
you know
it :D

On 06/06/2007, at 20:49, Tim Sutton wrote:

Hi Guys

Yes absolutely its all available as opensource already - they
can get
it using anonymouse svn account. I've been working on getting
prototype completed yesterday and on and off this week.
seems to have been broken with the layer selection screen and Im
gettin g a strange error from nusoap at this point.  Ill post
exact message in a follow up email.



2007/5/30, Javier de la Torre <jatorre@gmail.com>:
Hi all,

I am trying to finish what we did in the biodgeosdi meeting
going through the emails.

Some people from partner institutes are visiting us now
for the
project. I have shown them what we have done in Campinas, and
really interested.

We got some nice interaction from them concerning
Mapbuilder and
softwares, and they were asking specifically for how we went
about to
get the XMl from the OGC services, and pass it on to PHP.

So, a quick check with all of the team : am I right that our
finished, will be available on the web as open source ?
For the
you have to log into the CVS server.

 From my side this is clearly the idea. And expect it really

biogeosdi mailing list

Tim Sutton

Visit http://qgis.org for a great Open Source GIS
Skype: timlinux
Jabber: timlinux
Irc: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net

Tim Sutton
QGIS Project Steering Committee Member - Release  Manager
Visit http://qgis.org for a great open source GIS
openModeller Desktop Developer
Visit http://openModeller.sf.net for a great open source ecological
niche modelling tool
Skype: timlinux
Irc: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net

Tim Sutton
QGIS Project Steering Committee Member - Release  Manager
Visit http://qgis.org for a great open source GIS
openModeller Desktop Developer
Visit http://openModeller.sf.net for a great open source ecological
niche modelling tool
Skype: timlinux
Irc: timlinux on #qgis at freenode.net

Bart Meganck,

ICT & GIS engineer,
African Zoology Department.

Royal Museum for Central Africa,
Leuvensesteenweg 13,
B-3080 Tervuren,

Tel : +32(0)2 769 56 92
Fax : +32(0)2 767 02 42
Email : bart.meganck@africamuseum.be
Website : www.africamuseum.be


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