I have been thinking about the following pattern. In part
after looking at the GBIF vocabulary.
I am not sure if it is even a good idea but might be worth some
For those fields that have both a string and "ID" form maybe the
following pattern might be useful
hasScientificName = string form
hasScientificNameURI = Resolvable LOD compliant identifier
hasScientificNameLSID = LSID identifier which could be
resolvable once you add the
"http:proxy" etc.
This allows all three forms to be included if desired, it also
provides a hint as to how the field should be interpreted or resolved.
One group could also provide a mapping service so that each
record does not need to include all three forms, but would allow systems
to find the matching LSID for a given URI or vs. versa.
My concern was that it would be difficult to infer how a
scientificNameID should be interpreted by other systems.
Is this an LSD, is it a URI, is it a UUID etc. ?
This impacts the structure of the RDF.
* Note that the actual identifiers might not be correct, the
example below is more about the form of the RDF
* For instance, I don't think it is probably correct to see the
COL LSID as just a namestring
* Also in this example the GNI name does not exactly match the
string name
<dwc:hasScientificName>Puma concolor (Linnaeus
Some system may choke on the LSID form assuming that it uses a
standard resolution mechanism
So it might be best to use this form
- Pete