Hi Bart Cool stuff. Before I reply I should point out that you are still mailing to the old, yahoo spammy, mailing list. We got an official tdwg list which is the one you should use from now on: biogeosdi@lists.tdwg.org
After our IRC chat about the Campinas workshop, I've been trying to extract data from the Catalogue of Life. I din't find any documentation or API, nor a web-service of the "WMS" type (i.e. a GET request and an XML response), so I started playing around a bit with some PHP coding, and I've come up with :
Ed Donavan wrote a web service around CoL - but where / if there is any documentation for this I dont know.
curl_from_CoL.php : performs a cURL query on CoL, puts the results into a local tab-separated outputfile. The fields of the (GET) request are hardcoded for now, could be parametrised (is that a word ?) very easy.
Parameterised works for me :-)
parse_CoL_output.php : reads in the tab-separated file from the CoL request, writes out the taxonomic ranks we're interested in (e.g. all valid names at species level) - again, the filter settings would be very easy to parametrise...
Cool stuff. Javier and I will have a play with it in our pre hackfest hackfest! :-) Perhaps you could attach these files to the wiki too if you havent already done so so that we can keep all the useful code snippets in one place. Regards Tim
Any comments are welcome.
kind regards,
-- Bart Meganck,
ICT & GIS engineer, African Zoology Department.
Royal Museum for Central Africa, Leuvensesteenweg 13, B-3080 Tervuren, Belgium.
Tel : +32(0)2 769 56 92 Fax : +32(0)2 767 02 42 Email : bart.meganck@africamuseum.be Website : www.africamuseum.be
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________________________________________ 27/3/2007 - Filtered through antispam by ICT
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