Hi Rich,
I guess I'm confused about what the difference between "Evidence" and "Individual" is. ... The part I'm a little bit fuzzy on is were "Evidence" fits in to this model. If the function of "Evidence" is to represent proof of the Occurrence (i.e., that the indicated Organism actually was associated with the indicated Event), then I guess I can see the rationale and need for it. I'll need to keep thinking on this one a bit more, but as I write this email, and re-read Steve's earlier post, I'm beginning to get my head around it. But I'd still like to see exactly where it fits in the diagram.
Again, for a diagram, please refer to the image on: http://code.google.com/p/darwin-sw/ Steve and I used `Token' as the class name for anything that provides evidence of a dwc:Occurrence. The Token could be an image, a dried specimen, or...
Also, does a literature citation of a particular organism at a particular place/time constitute a form of Evidence? Or is that simply captured as an Occurrence, without any tangible evidence (as, I imagine, an Observation would be captured)?
... an Observation. I see a literature citation as documentation of an Observation, which provides evidence for an occurrence. If we wanted to integrate Darwin-SW, or even DwC with existing observational ontologies (e.g. OBOE, https://semtools.ecoinformatics.org/oboe), we could allow an oboe:Observation to also be a Token, providing evidence for a dwc:Occurrence. Please see the discussion of Token at: http://code.google.com/p/darwin-sw/wiki/ClassToken Best, Cam