Hey Hilmar,
I probably don't understand your objection. The data does matter, and I'm assuming that it will be in rough accordance with the ontology. The query referred to below was
select ?occurrence where { ?occurrence rdf:type dwc:occurrence . ?occurrence dwc:ofIndividual [individual] . }
for some specific value of [individual].
If I read your example correctly, there's an occurrence of an individual named "wolfpack". So if I'm querying for occurrences of "wolfpack", then your occurrence would be returned.
But maybe the point of your example isn't that the individual is named wolfpack, but that the individual *is* a wolfpack, and the rdf is bad. In this case, yes, problems will arise.
One question that your example raises (and is maybe related to what you have in mind?) is: Supposes we allow Individuals/BiologicalEntities to include wolf packs. How would we query for occurrences of wolf packs? One proposal on the table last Fall was to include some sort of scoping property for the Individual class, e.g. scope="individualOrganism", or scope="Population". We could also define individualOrganism and Population to be subClasses of biologicalEntity.
Please let me know if I've missed your point entirely.
On Wed, 27 Jul 2011, Hilmar Lapp wrote:
On Jul 27, 2011, at 10:25 AM, joel sachs wrote:
When answering this query, does it matter whether the scope of Individual/Biological Entity includes organelles or wolf packs? Does it matter if the Individual/BiologicalEntities are taxonomically homogeneous? To me, the clear answer to both questions is no.
Isn't that pretending that the data against which you ask this query doesn't matter? What if the data had a data <x> with <x> rdf:type dwc:occurrence>; <x> dwc:ofIndividual "wolfpack"?
=========================================================== : Hilmar Lapp -:- Durham, NC -:- informatics.nescent.org : ===========================================================